Your 4770 is definitely a thorn in your side when it comes to trying to support that 1080 TI. I'm thinking it might have something to do either with my ram, my motherboard or my CPU but I have no idea how to isolate the issue. If it has more available usage, why does it not use it to give me more frames? How do I fix this issue? The amount the card is limited by should be fixed by the amount of frames it can produce.

It really infuriates me when I'm dipping in the 40:s sometimes even though there is still GPU usage to spare.

If I still have CPU and GPU usage to spare, why would it not utilize that and give me increased fps? I play on a 144hz monitor and I want to reach those high frames. I have instances where I would turn around fast in a game or enter an area with many particle effects which would give FPS drops but the CPU and GPU usage would more or less stay constant or even DROP. What I've now noticed is that I could, for example, have 70 fps in a game but still only have 40% GPU usage and 50% CPU usage. Recently I upgraded my GPU from a 1070 to a 1080 ti and was hoping for some good (realistic) performance boosts. This is something that has been really bugging me recently and I can't seem to find any help what so ever so I hope someone here could help me.